Monday, January 11, 2010


You’re always riding in a car with someone.
Sometimes there’s a person you ride with everyday
And sometimes there’s people you’re only with once
Until you realize they’re bad drivers, or don’t know where they’re going.
You think you know how it works until…
You get in the car with someone
Get to know them
They take you everywhere you wanna go
Show you around to the places they love to be
You talk. Laugh. Understand. Connect.
At first, like always, you have your seatbelt on tight
But then you think about what a good driver the person is…they’d never let anything happen.
So you loosen it a bit.
And then eventually take it off altogether.
Air bag in your face
Can’t see. Cant breathe.
You feel your ankle twisted.
You reach out for them.
They’re outta the car already.
You decide to never go into the car with them again
Time passes as you ride with other people.
Then the person shows up again.
You realize it wasn’t their fault. It was winter. There was ice everywhere. It could happen to anyone
You get in the car again
The cycle begins.
You crash.
Air bag.
Arm’s broken this time.
Reach out. They’re gone.
You decide that no matter what, you’re not getting in again.
Imagine what could have happened if let it happen once more.
You go home.
Months later, still healing from the injuries, you see them again.
They’re waiting outside, the car door held open
You walk slowly, watching your step.
Remind yourself what could happen. What has happened before.
What would break this time?
But no…the music was just on too loud last time. We’ll make sure we don’t do that again.
You go in.
And yet again
You see that reassuring smile
That warm hand
That knowing look in their eyes.
And the seatbelt’s removed.
Before u know it
You feel the impact
No airbag this time.
You’ve gone straight through the windshield.

Love is an accident waiting to happen. You better wear that seatbelt tight.