Sunday, May 30, 2010

the compromise

When it feels like all our dreams are coming true
Why trap ourselves in old nightmares?
Our pasts pick up the occupation of haunting us
shoving our faces straight into the eyes of fear.
what are we afraid of anyway?
the unknown?
the capability we hold?
not finding happiness?
We go through life in search of this happiness
But when near it, run away.
Because we’d rather have something to look for in life
Than have it and live in constant fear of it being snatched away.
What if that happiness isn’t ours in the first place?
What if what we’re looking in the wrong places?
And then when we realize it, end up hurting the people we used?
So, to avoid that, we live with that compromise - not hurting people, at the cost of giving up the road to a destination; a destination that the inner self craves for, but can never reach.

never ending battle

Two worlds colliding.
One, a vision of ignorant perfection, everlasting happiness.
The other, enlightened reality – obstacles. suffering. growth.
Left the second to live the first.
Worth all the loss? Maybe.
A lot more people on the preferred side of ignorance.
But then how can loneliness still exist?
Had more company before, when alone
Than now, in a crowd
Where there’s a person on each side
But no one to turn to
Not even oneself.
One personality lost
But not forgotten
Maybe even missed.
Another emerging
A product of everything around
A uniformed robot.
This war, raging all too often.
They thought it was over – maybe I did too.
But a war is never over
If no one ever wins.