Wednesday, July 27, 2011

tick tock

Tick tock
Go the hands on the clock
As long as the battery lives
It won’t ever stop

But what happens when the battery dies? Without preparation, without warning, the hands stop ticking. Time freezes. Nothing moves. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, this doesn’t happen in reality. In life, as tragic as a death can be, as heart wrenching and painful, life still goes on for those around. People are suddenly reminded of how precious time is and to live their lives to the fullest before they’re gone too. Except, these thoughts almost always eventually fade away, overtaken by life’s misfortunes, at least until the next death occurs that is.

Death. The word is usually accompanied by a sad, mournful or morbid thought but does it have to be? It had always been something far away in my mind, obscure and abstract. Having never lost anyone particularly close to me except for my uncle who though I knew all my life, had never had a relationship with, I haven’t had much experience with the loss of a loved one. There have been an unusual amount of deaths recently, most of which are extremely tragic as they involved younger children meeting their ends all too quickly and without warning. However, one of these instances stuck out to me in particular which is ironic since I had never even heard of her until the news of her demise had spread. Sabrina Alibhai Merali. Maybe it was that she died the night before what would have been her sixteenth birthday on which she was then buried. Something about her and this story hit me like nothing else has ever before. Yes, it did the usual by reminding me how nothing in this life is guaranteed including our own time here and that we should appreciate and be grateful for every second we’ve got. However, something else had managed to get a hold of me. You know the saying, ‘the truth shall set you free’? I’ve never really related to that since usually whenever I found out the truth about something, it more often than not caused bad feelings or trouble. But this…this was different. This was IT. Maybe it’s an exaggeration to say that this was the key to happiness because the idea itself is not new, quite on the contrary actually. It’s common knowledge among most people. But the idea itself isn’t what has gotten to me at all. It’s the fact that I finally actually understood the enormity and reality of it. That, for the first time, it truly sunk in.

Don’t worry, I won’t keep you in suspense any longer but don’t be surprised if you’re severely disappointed. It’s just this: we’re going to die anyway. No matter who we are, what we’ve got, what we’ve been through, how we feel, what we think, what we’ve done, nothing and I repeat, NOTHING will change that fact. At one point or another, may it be in 60 years or 60 seconds, we’re going to stop breathing and go back to the place we’re truly from. This fact was emphasized when I heard someone say that “we are not human beings going through spiritual experiences but spiritual beings going through human experiences.” That’s all it is! We don’t belong here. And one day, we’re going to go to where we came from anyway! This life, this earth, these challenges and obstacles are nothing. Nothing but a blink of an eye in the entire span of time. Personally, I’m a bit envious of the people that have already passed away. Think about it. This world…what is it, really? It’s full of war, corruption, jealousy, greed, pain, injustice and the list goes on. Don’t mistake me for a pessimist. This life Is definitely beautiful, wonderful and is the most unique experience a being could have which is why being given a life on earth should be considered a blessing from above. But when you die, you’re safe and taken care of. Excuse my harry potter references but “It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more.” What I’m trying to say, is that yes death is terrible and heartbreaking for those left here but to the actual person who has passed, hopefully it would be blissful.

So the next time something bad happens to you, don’t fret too much. Just realize that hey, none of this is gonna last anyway. After all, according to Albus Dumbledore, “to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure” ;)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Small pieces of paper

falling down from the heavens

each with its own fate written upon it

going in their different directions

when one gets lost in the way

course changed by the wind.

entering into unknown lands

not knowing the dangers it may face

being so new and whole.

After the rain, mud and storms it passes through

the ink on its surface seems a bit washed out

the edges ripped in places

holes punctured through

even a bit crumpled as a whole

but still able to soar through the skies

trying to find its way back

Until one unfortunate day

it lives through a shattering earthquake that leaves it in shreds

barely put back together by tape and glue

it keeps going on its way

but never again

will it be able to fly as high

race as fast

as it could before

Time is not good to a loosely held together page

the thin glue starts to crack

and the tape isn’t as sticky

it knows its fate

soon there will no longer be anything holding its pieces together

and does come the day

that it has scattered on a dusty floor

settling to adapt to its new home

with a view from below

Not long passes however

until the pieces start to rise

and it no longer depends on anything to keep it together

nothing seems to be holding it up

nothing but a force

a force that not only puts the pieces back together

but rearranges them in a better order than before

a page that can never again be torn, ripped or crumpled

an energy stronger than anything before

an invisible shield that surrounds it always

a love that is so pure

a source of support that is so sure

the only dependence that has never failed

the only light that has guided it out of every dark room

a sun that doesn’t hide even in the rainiest of days

but gives light to the words on the page

the destiny that faded by the years

but is now seen clearer than ever before.