Sunday, November 16, 2008

who are we

Are we the songs we listen to
Or the books we read
The movies we see
Or the people we talk to
the cars we drive
Or the jobs we work
With so many external forces
do we really find ourselves on this self searching journey?
Or just lose ourselves even more

so much..

Have you ever felt so strongly about so many things at once that you think you could write a book just to cover one topic? And then.. when you try to speak about them .. nothing comes out? It feels like you have nothing on your mind instead of having more than just about everything. You try to focus, get on one subject so it seems like you know what you’re talking about, and you try so hard to get it together, to shout out to people what you think they should know. what is too important to be kept inside. How can we pick? Global warming, poverty, rape, murder, psychopaths, war, genocide, religion; how to choose? We try to say what has never been thought..but do we try to think about what has already been said?


Is it really worth it? Feeling all that anger, jealousy, hurt, doubt. Worrying about all the little things? What will they think of me? what should I wear? Why can’t I be as pretty as her, why can’t I have that guy? Is all that really our purpose in life? What do we get in the end? We all end up under this earth at one point. All the wealth we’ve earned, the friends we have.. none of that is with us. Making a mountain out of it really worth it? Letting the essence of this world reach within us..being able to feel the satisfaction of personal success and completion. That’s what this life is really about. That’s what we’re meant to be doing in this small part of our existence. One human can’t control or change everything. But if a hundred..a thousand..a million people at once can work together ..anything is achievable. If we can all aim towards a main goal..a moral cause..anything is possible.


So many thoughts…and no words
So many steps…and no distance
How far do we get
By putting up the net?
How high do we go
By not letting someone know?