Sunday, November 16, 2008


Is it really worth it? Feeling all that anger, jealousy, hurt, doubt. Worrying about all the little things? What will they think of me? what should I wear? Why can’t I be as pretty as her, why can’t I have that guy? Is all that really our purpose in life? What do we get in the end? We all end up under this earth at one point. All the wealth we’ve earned, the friends we have.. none of that is with us. Making a mountain out of it really worth it? Letting the essence of this world reach within us..being able to feel the satisfaction of personal success and completion. That’s what this life is really about. That’s what we’re meant to be doing in this small part of our existence. One human can’t control or change everything. But if a hundred..a thousand..a million people at once can work together ..anything is achievable. If we can all aim towards a main goal..a moral cause..anything is possible.

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