Sunday, December 7, 2008

key to happiness

Imagine if you were suddenly told that you had only one more week to live and you couldn't tell anybody about it. How would you react? What would take priority and what would you value? Family would probably be the answer for most of you. Maybe to speak with a kinder voice to your parents, clean the house up a bit so when mom comes home she can be pleasantly surprised, and her already aching back can be saved from the extra work. Maybe have an actual conversation with dad? ask about his childhood, his fears, hopes and dreams. Give him a chance to think and talk about something other than work, money, etc. What about siblings? ask them how their lives are going. If they're keeping up with school and they're doing emotionally? What are their plans for the near future? Visit or call up your grandparents, aunts, uncles. Ask how the kids are, how work is going. I bet that would put a smile on their face..who doesn't like being remembered?

Are those petty arguments with friends even such a big deal anymore? Wouldn't you want to forgive and forget and even ask them for forgiveness for the problems and hurt you might have caused them? I would. I also would pray to God because i wouldn't be able to ask things for the ones i love for much longer. Maybe pray for mom's worry to ease, dad's stress, siblings' success, cousin's marriage to work out, anything. Also, wouldn't you wanna pray to God? to the one who has given you all that you have including the time you have had so far in this world?

During that week, maybe you would wake up everyday with a smile, thanking God for that day, being grateful to wake up in a warm bed and look forward to a warm breakfast. Maybe you'll smile with every moment, appreciating, and being a positive presence for everyone around you. maybe you'll watch those movies and read those books you never had time for. Maybe you'll even do something crazy like jump on the couch for no reason at all, eat you're favorite dessert, sing that song. Once, maybe you'll find time to sit outside and just..breathe. breathe in the fresh air, watch the sky, and the beauty all around you which is solid proof of God's wonder.

Unfortunately, we don't always get a warning to if we have one more year, month, day, or hour. That's why, even though it can be difficult at times, we should try to live everyday like it could be our last. Do all the things you wish, keep strong relationships with loved ones, be grateful, smile, and be close to God. By doing all that, you're praising God. And we want to try to praise God every chance we get because in the end, He's the one all of us will eventually return to.

p.s - a quote i came across that might help us all. =)

Happiness keeps you Sweet
Trials keep you Strong
Sorrows keep you Human
Life keeps you Humble
Success keeps you Glowing
But Only
God keeps you Going

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