Wednesday, December 31, 2008

a chance...

At times, especially after going through something particularly tough, we find ourselves trying to bring a sense of purpose into our lives and renew our very beings. A perfect time that we can use as an excuse for doing this is at the new year. Every new year gives us a chance..

to restore hope and faith in ourselves and others
to gather all that we have learned from our experiences and set ourselves to move ahead, achieve and succeed
to make amends and end rivalries
to be open to new perspectives and approach our lives in a different manner
to face our whatever comes our way with belief that we can get through

Fortunately, we don’t need a new years to get the chance to do the most important thing: turn to the path of God; because when we do, everything else will fall into place. No new years needed =)

1 comment:

Bia said...

I like it.
You could have elaborated more at the end but if it said what you wanted it to then that is all that matters.
This is really good and I agree.