Tuesday, March 17, 2009

slippery slope

it's common sense to not walk on ice. But sometimes we just don't wanna take the energy to go all the way around. We console ourselves by remembering that not everyone always slips. If u walk carefully and pay attention, you'll b fine.
You do this you whole life.
You take the risk of falling and bumping your head or worse, and feel good in a way that you've been doing it so long and haven't slipped.
Then, alas, comes the day.
The day that you're so used to walking over ice and feel that you have so much experience that you don't pay as much attention and are distracted and maybe a
little too over confident. Then..you slip. you're in shock. what just happened? how could this happen? i've never done that. wow.
and then comes the pain.
your ankle is twisted. you try to get up and can't support your weight and fall again, hurting your back this time. the pain doubles. you can't believe you
just got hurt twice in a row. you notice your hands are pretty scraped too. you start to get a headache from the cold and pain.
Everyone knows that you usually handle yourself perfectly so no one expects you to fall and therefore aren't there to help you up or even witness your mishap. the ego kicks in and you angrily remind yourself ' i haven't ever fallen. what the hell is this. i'm not clumsy. it's just ice. i can get up on my own'.
you have a whole bunch of shopping bags in your hands and the ice is still under your feet and your hands are cut up and your back is aching and your head is throbbing and only one leg works.
you can't do it. fine. maybe you should just get some help.
it has started to snow. rain's mixed in there somewhere too. the coffee shop you always go to right by has closed early. your cell phone's dead. one after the other. it seems like your hand is becoming the ice and everything is slipping from it.
you think of getting up on your own again.
it seems impossible. maybe it is.
you try. and you try. when finally you come to the realization that you fell. and now you can't get up.
you're tired. you stop trying.
you start to get comfortable in the ice realizing that you're gonna be on it for a while.
you sit..and wait.
you know it's gonna take a while. you'll just wait until spring shows its face again.
maybe it'll melt a bit of that ice.