Wednesday, September 16, 2009

our true destination

Isn’t it funny how absolutely sure we are of our tomorrow? We go to sleep thinking of the next day’s schedule and the next..and next. Isn’t it funny how we feel like we’re in control? News Flash : we’re not. We have no idea if we’re going to make it to the next week, day, or hour. As much as we’re reminded of this fact, I don’t believe that it really ‘hits’ any of us. If it did, God wouldn’t be a subconscious part in the back of ours heads, rather He would be on the constant forefront and every single thing we do would be in His way. Doesn’t sound too easy does it? It’s not.

I used to always believe that we don’t have to be religious to be accepted or loved by God or even go to Heaven. As long as we are good, honest people, give charity, stay connected to Him, and have our basics down, we’re good. But there’s a difference between being just a ‘believer’ and being a Muslim. Our very purpose of life is to submit. That being said, we don’t get to pick and choose what we think we should follow and ignore what we don’t fully understand. The point of being a Muslim is not only being a good person, but going to the extra length of worship and submission and trust. To follow through every single rule, though you may not know why just yet, but trust God enough to know that it’s there for a reason and will be good for you in the end. Each and every one of us are meant to go through their own Jihad; it can be personal such as financial problems, a physical or mental inability, experiencing a death of a close one, or it could be pertaining to Islam which would include observing hijab, praying, fasting, or whatever it may be. Meeting and trying our best to overcome these challenges are what we’re set here for and having God throughout just makes it that much easier.

These are the main points that we forget – we get so incredibly sucked up in our lives and this materialistic world that we forget what we’re living for: the hereafter. That’s what’s real, that’s what matters. We don’t understand how life truly slips away from our fingers in so little time and then it becomes too late – too late to show your parents how much you love them and how much they mean to you; too late for you to do everything in your power to help those in need; too late to worship God in every way you can; too late to realize that every single day you wake up is a blessing, a second chance. The journey is long and hard but with the right heart and mind along with God by your side, it can be the greatest one of all.

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