Thursday, September 3, 2009

this or that

What is this life? Probably the most over asked question. Is it just some game and we get to be the pieces moved around by some big guy up there? Is it a beautiful creation and we get to blessed enough to be a part of it? A test, a transition, what? Many don’t even think of these questions because life gets the best of them. We all get caught up in this world, that we forget we’re here for a reason and that we’re wasting years of our life away just..being. We let life just happen to us.

If you look up at the night sky..and I mean really’ll click. There are billions of stars..planets..galaxies, which have all been there since time began. Us? We’re just here for a tiny moment that comes and passes. That life out there..that’s what’s real. This world is just a blink of eternity.

Living life to the fullest..what does that really mean? To me, it means loving. Caring. Helping. Learning. Being happy. Happiness, now that is a whole other ball game. What is happiness? Is it having everything you wish for? Is it just relaxing with a book or movie after a long, hard day of work? To me, its knowing that everything’s a mess of which most of the time, you have no control over, but accepting it. Accepting the fact that it’s there, and there for a reason. Accepting that you’ll have to just pick your head up and get through it. Knowing that you have your family and friends by your side. Knowing that you can whatever you put your mind to. You might not feel on top of the world but at’ll have hope that one day you just might be; although one could argue, “ everything happens for a reason, but no wise words gonna stop the bleeding”. Confused yet? Me too.

There’s a saying, “the only regrets you have are the risks you didn’t take”. But what if the risks you’ve let yourself take before lead to pain and suffering? How are you supposed to choose between going for what you want and keeping yourself safe? Are you missing out on the true essence of life by not jumping into something and getting whatever experience is in store for you or are you being smart by learning from the past and staying out of the line of fire? Choices, choices, too many choices. Usually, I’d have no problem being a guiding light for loved ones but at the moment promises can’t be made. How can you help others choose when you’re at a crossroads yourself?

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