Sunday, November 16, 2008

who are we

Are we the songs we listen to
Or the books we read
The movies we see
Or the people we talk to
the cars we drive
Or the jobs we work
With so many external forces
do we really find ourselves on this self searching journey?
Or just lose ourselves even more

1 comment:

Bia said...

Wow Zee.. So I know I'm totally talking to you on msn but I just have to comment here that this is really amazing. Yes, it is short, simple, and concise, but with the fact that your mentioning all these outter external complicated factors it contrasts perfectly with the short, bluntness of the poem and it is a good type of contrast! If you had added fluff or more details it would distract from the blog. Good job! This is amazing. I love it because it is something that has been brought up so many times and I don't think anyone of us knows the answer and it should be something we are trying to find you know? HOwever you did a good job in closing it with that one ultimate question, is there really an "I", a unique "me"? It is something I've really thought about many times and has come up in so many places and it was good how you didn't mention like almsot every single external factor there could've been (lol which is soemthing I would do) and you let it sit as it is. Everyone has different things playing in their life. Anyways, sorry for the super long comment but it was too good not to comment and write you a whole blog on how amazign this was =P Oh yeah, and I was kind of comparing/thinking of my writing which you've read but most of the comment still applies :). Oh and I love the fact that you didn't mention yourself once in there, because in some blogs you can mention yourself and still connect to the reader and allow them to gain a personal connection with your writing but I think since this blog really applies to all of us, it was perfect the way it addressed all of us. =] Good Job Zee! <3