Wednesday, October 26, 2011

10/16/11 ----- Leicester, England

the only boys I need in my life :)
About what I said at the end of that last post about probably not having much to update on, I was wrong haha. This week has honestly been so, SO great. After our first weekend that I already told you about in the last post, I had literally spent the first two days of the week here in my pajamas watching television, playing with the kids and doing pretty much nothing else and it felt great :)
After a couple days’ rest though, I was ready to go out again so Tahira bhabhi, who is pretty much one of THE coolest people I’ve ever met and probably will ever meet, took me out. We went to the big mall there just to look around and get some stuff and then she took me KFC! I repeat, HALAL KFC!! I hadn’t had KFC since I went to Florida for my cousin’s wedding in 2006. I was so excited and was not disappointed. The popcorn chicken I had that day and the drumsticks I had a couple days after when we went again was just as delicious as I remembered it to be :) Later that day, Sajjad Bha and Zainab Bhabhi took me out to watch Johnny English 2 and some dessert at pizza hut. I always knew Sajjad Bha was cool because, well he IS a haji you know. But I’m so so lucky to have been able to spend time with Zainab Bhabhi. She is so funny and upbeat and just so fun to hang with. Oh and the movie was HILARIOUS. I recommend everyone to go watch it like, now. I haven’t seen the first one but they told me the second was funnier anyway. 

A couple more days passed and before I knew it, it’s the last day at Leicester and we’re leaving for Paris tomorrow. It was a great last day though. Tahira bhabhi, mom and I went out in the morning, I chilled at home with the kids and bhabhi during the day and at night, we all went out for dinner and dessert. Mohd. Ali had come back again for the weekend from Birmingham where he goes to school and it was so great to get to know him. I really hope he doesn’t read this cos we have a fully established relationship of only insulting each other as much as possible so if he sees a compliment, I’m done for haha. But really, it was great to be able to talk to someone my own age and get to know more about him cos all I had remembered for ten years was a chubby kid who made fun of me for being scared of pigeons ten years ago. So yes, this is definitely progress! Oh, and he’s still chubby. Sorry cuz, it feels way too weird being nice to you, I had to get an insult in there somewhere :)
The night ended with me going for some shisha with mohd ali, his friends and sajjad bha and I got introduced to pretty much the best flavor of shisha…ever. Watermelon, berry and mint. It was so good that when we were leaving I was standing and still smoking it cos I couldn’t let go of it. Honestly, it was great, all you shisha fans have got to try it! When we got home that night, I got the best treat. Mohd ali and Abbas (my other cousin) had gone to the states this past summer and got to visit the NBC studios where they had a chance to film themselves doing a news and weather report and bought the video afterwards. I had been hearing all week about how embarrassing it was and couldn’t wait to see it. After I had made sure that everyone in the house was sitting in the living room to see my cousins embarrass themselves, I finally saw it. And it was so much better than I imagined. We didn’t get to see Abbas’ bit but mohd ali…oh man. He pretty much made the biggest fool of himself that he could possibly make. I’m happy to say that I recorded the whole thing on my camera and if I feel mean enough, you all might see it on Facebook sometime :P  

The next day was pretty much the saddest day of my trip so far. Saying goodbye to everyone was so much harder than I thought it’d be. The moment I’d been dreading more than any had finally come: saying bye to the kids. Muntazir, Irfan ali and Sakina have all made their own place in my heart and usually I’m not a mushy person but with them, I can’t help it. I didn’t get to say bye to Sakina because she was sleeping but I went to her crib just to see her before I left and that’s what triggered it all. After one last hug to bhabhi, the kids and my aunt and uncle, we were in the car on the way to the station and I have to admit, I actually teared up a bit. Getting a text from bhabhi a bit later saying that the kids were crying and wanted me back didn’t help at all either. I was trying so hard to be excited for Paris but it just wasn’t happening. All I wanted was to go back to Leicester and be on the couch watching cartoons with the boys, holding Sakina.

Eventually I made myself realize that hey, it’s been an amazing week and I’ve met such great people but it’s time to go and hopefully I’d see them soon. I just have to say though that I still miss you guys like crazy. Tahira Bhabhi and Zainab Bhabhi – the talks I’ve had with both of you and the time we spent together meant a lot to me and I feel like I’ve gained two more older sisters. Hasnain Bha, Sajjad Bha, Abbas and Mohd Ali – It was really nice to actually be able to see you all and get to know you throughout the week and thanks to each of you for such great conversations and yes, I miss you all even after all the teasing :)  Also, majorly special thanks to Chacha and Chachi for having us stay at their house and being so great to us the whole time. The amount of time and effort they’ve given to making us feel comfortable and making sure we have a good time is unbelievable. Inshallah, I’ll get to see you all very, very soon :)

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